
Based on ISS data, if crew launch with adherence to an effective exercise schedule, have access to adequate exercise countermeasure systems, and perform exercise countermeasures as prescribed in-flight, then on average, they return with minimal losses aerobic fitness.

The community has little to no experience with the currently planned exploration exercise countermeasure arrangement for short or long duration flight. Additionally, the exploration vehicles’ systems capability to support exercise required to maintain human performance has not been verified.

International Space Station crew members perform submaximal aerobic periodic fitness evaluations in orbit, however, tests are currently not performed with the specific intention to access aerobic fitness readiness for tasks during missions.

The goal of filling this gap is the development of a reliable test(s) that can be performed both before a mission and during critical times during a mission (e.g. before a high workload EVA or prior to landing).

The test would be aimed directly at determining if established aerobic fitness standards (see gap A4) are being met. Just as aerobic fitness standards are expected to be design reference mission (DRM)-specific, in-flight evaluations protocols and hardware may be DRM specific as well due to limitations in available equipment during any particular exploration mission.




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